Product Description
The Price you see is the cost of the product and DOES NOT INCLUDE shipping you.We import Aluminess orders at the end of each month, therefore depending on the size of that month's shipment, the exchange rate and fuel surcharges will affect cost which we pass on to you the customer. All Shipping charges are passed on at cost. If you are in a hurry, we can arrange to ship by Air. However, this can be up to 40% more, and for the LWB and XLWB roof rack, they have to come in two pieces as they are too large to ship by Air in one part.All Aluminess products are delivered using a Pallet Delivery service with a tail lift. So no need for any special lifting equipment. However, in some cases, they do need the ability to help the driver unload for the bigger items. Please call us on 0800 030 6887 or email for your individualised quote. B and XLWB roof rack they have to come in two pieces as they are too large to ship in one piece.
Delivery & Returns
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Aluminess Bike Rack Swing Arm For Sprinter Slimline
call for latest pricing. Leadtime on all orders are 12 to 16 weeks
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